This product is brought to you by:

Premier Canada Assurance Managers Ltd.

This program targets:

  • Single owner to large national firms
  • I.T. Consultants
  • Web Hosting / Software Developers
  • Hardware Sales & Support
  • Network Support Services
  • Data Storage/Retrieval Services
  • Computer Training

Available in New Brunswick

Minimum Premium starting at $850


  • Commercial General Liability
  • Errors & Omissions
  • Cyber / Privacy Breach – First & Third Party up to $250,000 included
  • USA sales 100% acceptable
  • Full Limits Third Party Infringement
  • Office Package
  • Worldwide Cover suits back to Canada & US
  • First dollar defence


Please submit:

All New Submissions (Nationally) to:

All Policy Change Requests (Nationally) to:

For more information contact your underwriter