This product is brought to you by:

Premier Canada Assurance Managers Ltd.

This program targets:

  • Electrical, including higher hazard electrical work
  • Roofing(excluding hot work roofing)
  • Excavation
  • HVAC and Air Conditioning
  • Concrete Paving and Construction
  • Welders
  • Underpinning
  • Structural Renovations
  • Water Proofing
  • Building Raising / Moving
  • Pest Control
  • Exterior Spray Painting
  • Restoration / Remediation
  • And much more…
  • Not Available in New Brunswick


  • Broad Form CGL
  • Including Blanket Additional Insured
  • Wrap-up DIC coverage available
  • Difference in deductible coverage available
  • Property, Crime, BI, Equipment

Minimum Premium as low as $1,000


Please submit:

All New Submissions (Nationally) to:

All Policy Change Requests (Nationally) to:

For more information contact your underwriter

  • Head Office: Vancouver, BC
  • May Lo